Keep Learning

The Keep Learning website shares student resources to help you learn well online. You can find information about getting set up at home, learning effectively away from campus, and understanding the key technologies used at UBC. These resources may be especially helpful if there are sudden disruptions to on-campus teaching and learning.

No matter where you are participating in your courses, we want you to have a positive UBC experience. Be well and keep learning!

Getting Started with Online Learning

Each online course space at UBC may look different, even within the same faculty, school, or department. These differences exist because your instructors are using the best tools for teaching in each course. However your online courses are presented, focusing on the following areas will help you get the most out of the experience.

Set yourself up for course success

  1. Manage your time: Some courses will meet in real time, some won’t, and others will use a combination. Create a calendar with important dates, instructor office hours, and times you’ll “attend” live and recorded lectures.
  2. Read course communications: In fully online courses, your syllabus, announcements, and emails are extra important, since instructors have fewer ways of communicating changes or reminders. Take time to read (not scan) them.
  3. Actively participate: Your online learning will be stronger with active participation. Ask questions in discussion boards, post resources you find helpful, and comment when classmates share their own questions, resources, or work.
  4. Take it one step at a time: Research has shown that multitasking is generally not effective in learning, because your attention is too divided. If you tend to multitask, try to focus on one learning activity at a time instead.
  5. Avoid procrastinating: Using applications to hand in work sometimes gets complicated. Try not to put things off until the last minute. That minute might be spent solving technical issues!
  6. Make it personal: Help create connections with instructors and classmates online. Add profile pictures in applications, introduce yourself in new settings, and log in regularly to share resources and support with peers.
  7. Ask for help: Online learning can be overwhelming at times. Your instructors, teaching assistants, and technical support fully expect you to have questions. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Expect different approaches for how instructors will communicate, share content, encourage interaction, receive assignments, and give exams online. If any expectations are unclear, ask!

Most instructors at UBC use Canvas » for online course spaces. In Canvas, you can complete many of your course activities.

Dive in

Setting Up